Saturday, December 1, 2007

Pookie's surgery

Poor little Pookie!! He's our cat for those who don't know. We let our cat out to play and potty and about a week ago, he came home with this blackish, blue blister bigger than a 50 cent piece!! I was freaking out cuz it smelled really bad and he seemed to be in a lot of pain. We didn't know what to do and talked about taking him into the vet. The next day rolls around and we let him out again after we got home from work. About an hour later we let him in and we notice he's popped his blister and puss and blood are leaking out! YUCK!! I have the most weak stomach so I get super light headed. So I call Rhiannon (my sister-in-law), who has worked for a vet's office for a few years and she told me to take him in to a vet soon cuz there's no other way for it to heal and she gave me some advice and insite. The doctor and Rhiannon both said that he must've gotten into a cat fight and a cat bit him on his shoulder (where the gross blister was) and cat's teeth are so small that the puncture closes up really fast, capturing the bacteria (from the other cat's mouth) inside his skin. Well, the bacteria grows and the puss forms building up under his skin, hence the blister, which would be really painful (as I'm sure you can imagine) and so my cat wanted to find a way to pop it to release the pressure. When we took him in, they said he needed surgery to clean out all the infection cuz it was so deep. They had to stick a draining tube in him after they got the rest of the infection out so he could heal. Today, 2-3 days after the surgery, Craig took him in to get the tube removed.
$230 later... my cat has stitches, a huge ace bandage wrapped around his body to keep him from scratching the stitches off, pain meds that make him loopy, and he's not a boy anymore. We got him neutered while he was under cuz it would be more cost effective and his testosterone is what got him into this stinkin cat fight in the first place!
ha ha! You should've seen him the first day he came home (it's mean to laugh, but it was just TOO funny not to share!) and he still had this tube in him poking out of him in two places and the doctor said he'd scratch and lick it so we'd have to find a way to prevent that. We cut the bottom of one of Craig's old shirts to wrap around him. He looked so funny! He had his two front arms stickin out to the sides cuz it was a little tight so it wouldn't fall and the doctor had put a cone on his head so he couldn't lick himself which was pushing his whiskers forward so his equilibrium was all messed up and he kept backing into the wall and doing the moonwalk! ha ha! I just couldn't help but laugh. Then, later that night i cried cuz he was too. Sad sad!


The Ostheds said...

Oh Poor Pookie! Well, the office isn't the same without you! Net gets back tomorrow (Dec 4), so then I am outta here! I am glad you are having fun in the bloggin' world!

Megs said...

I am so sad for your cat... :(
But hey! welcome to the blogging world! :) yeah!

Kodison said...

I so do NOT feel sorry for that thing... I just about up-chucked my pizza when I saw its arteries sticking out of its shoulder... bleeeeech!

Jordan said...

I miss you girl! We need to get together!

Shawn and Brittany said...

Welcome to blog land! I have to warn you it becomes addicting quick...and then you find yourself checking blogs every morning. Guess I need more excitement in my life! Shawn said that we could be friends and need to hang out.....

Kodison said...

Thank you Angee for letting Craig and the boys play last night, you're a champ! Well, actually with my 4-0 record, I'm THE CHAMP but you can be a champ too... :)

Ashlee said...

Hey Craig its Ashlee. Somehow I came across your blog and wanted to say hi. You and your wife look so cute!
Keep in touch